Australian Country Music Foundation Museum
(A personal view of a past display)

93 Brisbane St.,
TAMWORTH. New South Wales.

This is a private site and is not a part of the official ACMFI site

The Museum from Brisbane St.

Click picture for full size (34.8K - JPEG)

Throughout this site (except for the AUTOMATED GALLERY), the pictures displayed are very small sizes to enable speedy loading of the page. All the pictures are active and, by clicking on the picture, you can view the picture in full size. Most of these are quite large and may take time to load, but they do give the full detail.

Side View of the Museum - The Entrance

Click picture for full size (29.9K - JPEG)


The gallery provides you with a small look at some of what may be seen in the Museum. It is designed to give you some idea as to what is present but can never replace the experience of just being there to see it for yourself.

There are two ways to view the gallery of pictures. The first is to visit The Gallery . In this mode, small versions of each photograph will be displayed and you can choose to view photographs in detail, simply by clicking on the picture to get the enlarged and detailed version.

Alternatively, you may choose the Automated Gallery . This will take you automatically through all the photographs in sequence. The photographs are all full size and will automatically advance after a short period of time.

All photographs on this site were taken by Diana Helmrich