Tourist Drive 19 Photo Gallery

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Tourist Drive 19 runs between Armidale and Uralla through some very picturesque and, often, quite different country. Travelling south from Armidale and east from Uralla, this drive offers many items to see. Some of the road is still gravel but is generally quite good though following heavy rain, visitors should check on conditions before setting out.

By far the most popular attraction on the tour is the old historic Gostwyck Church (top 4 photographs) located on Gostwyck Station (see bottom centre and bottom right).

Closer to the Armidale end of the trip is the community of Dangarsleigh and the next four photographs from the top show the Dangarsleigh Church and the Dangarsleigh Community Hall. In addition to these there is the War Memorial. The turnoff to the Dangarsleigh Falls Gorge. These falls are approximately 19Km from the main drive but well worth the visit, particularly if there has been good rain in recent times when the falls can be quite spectacular.

The remaining photographs show some varied views that will be seen on the drive.